Thursday, March 25, 2010

A Place in the Sun (1951)

Okay I’m going to start off with my honest opinion of the movie, which takes form in a mini rant, because honestly I really did not like this movie at all. It was extremely difficult to watch without laughing; it was seriously hard to take the film seriously. For me it was mainly the overly dramatic music placed with severe close ups, there was no question what was going to happen. And I don’t know if it was the chemistry with the actors or just the fact that it seemed fast pace, I really found both relationships with George somewhat questionable. I hate when movies make people fall in love at literally first sight, for me it’s laughable because he saw Elizabeth Taylor’s character he immediately falls in love with her and is willing to kill for her when it looks like they’ve been on what five dates. And what the hell was George thinking with the pregnant woman?? COME ON, he is such an idiot for that relationship to begin with. They specifically tell him NOT to get involve with ANY employees and what does he do - he makes googly eyes at the girl in his production line.. doesn’t even take her on a date, but purposely crashes what looks like a date with another guy.. literally invites himself into her house.. gets her pregnant… and when he continues the relationship with her, he starts another relationship (another idiot move) with “his true love” uggghh really come on.. he could have prevented the entire situation but instead for selfish reasons destroys all of their lives. Because he was a complete idiot I felt no sympathy for him being convicted, and was kind of glad he was.

The dramatic close-ups and music I think they were trying to build up the suspense, and the fact that he is going to kill her, so when he doesn’t purposely push her in the lake there is more controversy whether he to blame when he changes his mind at the end. I suppose the relationship with the factory girl, there isn’t really supposed to be any “chemistry” because I think they were trying to get you to root for the other relationship or at least be sympathetic towards George on the fact Elizabeth Taylor symbolizes the American dream life that is in reaching distance but any hope is violently crushed by the pathetic, pushy, pregnant woman that is trapping him and holding him back. At least that is what I feel like they were trying to make you feel and I guess if you felt sympathetic towards George it would make the end of the trial even more of a big deal and the verdict even more surprising.

The verdict in itself is probably the most provocative part of this movie, because it makes you question whether or not the thought of murder and not saving someone is the same as murder. I could sit here and argue both sides and I could probably be persuaded to each side give certain supporting facts. But in my opinion, in this case of George Eastman, I personally think He made his bed, now he must lie in it!


  1. Lauren, I completely agree with how this entire situation with George could have been avoided by him not being such an idiot. He broke so many rules of not having two girlfriends at once, and getting a girl pregnant and then trying to leave her....not to mention killing her!! Hello?!? You can't just do these things and expect not to get caught. I didn't even really think he was that sneaky about it. :)

  2. A lot of people agree with you, Lauren. You're right about Angela representing the American Dream to George; he's not as much in love with her as with what she represents.
